Thursday, October 27, 2016

We Share Strategies for Using Metacogition at TeachThought

Donna and I shared "5 Strategies for Teaching Students to Use Metacogntion" in a blog post published on the TeachThought website. As we explain in this article, metacognitive skills enable students to regulate their thinking and become independent learners.

The five practical strategies we identify for explicitly teaching students to use metacognition include:
  1. Define the term. Our simple definition is: "thinking about your thinking as a pathway to better learning."
  2. Ask students to supply examples. We use the metaphor of "driving your brain," which helps students understand the concept.
  3. Catch students being metacognitive. Celebrate the use of this skill in large and small groups as a way to underscore its importance.
  4. Lead class discussions. Use these discussions to encourage students to share ways they use metacognition outside of school.
  5. Model the use of metacognition. For instance, talk through problems so students can see how you use higher-order thinking strategies.
These strategies are adapted from Marcus' and my book, Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains: Metacognitive Strategies, Activities, and Lesson Ideas. Read the entire blog post at the TeachThought website.

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