Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Positively Smarter Debuts in UK

Donna and I are proud to announce that our latest book, Positively Smarter: Science and Strategies for Increasing Happiness, Achievement, and Well-Being, has launched in the UK and is also available on Kindle worldwide.

In the book, Donna and I discuss seven principles for connecting the science of neuroplasticity to practical strategies for enhancing the synergy of happiness, achievement, and physical well-being. Moving beyond common myths and misconceptions that these three areas of life are largely driven by innate talent, genes, and external circumstances, the text builds an evidence-based paradigm that guides readers toward practical steps to improve their cognitive function.

The research we explore in the book comes from a broad range of fields, with emphasis on the big ideas that can have a positive influence on—and even transform—our lives by focusing on practical learning strategies. The text provides the science, structures, and strategies for creating a more effective system, so that learners are equipped to achieve goals and realize more of their unique potential across the learning life span.

Positively Smarter is a wonderful resource and thoughtful compilation of ground-breaking research and discoveries into the complex phenomenon of personal success,” says Carol Mikulka, MD, psychiatrist, founder and president at Walden School. “The integration of scientific data, personal vignettes, and practical suggestions for making positive changes in one’s life drives home the idea that with effort, perseverance, hope, and setting realistic goals, we can all succeed.”

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